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Iinner constellation

Here you will find my offers for trauma work in Inner Constellation Healing (ICH),

which I carry out online as well as offline in individual and group settings.


next group dates

  • Sunday February 16th 2025 at 6pm CET (in German - check German page for details)

  • Sunday March 2nd 2025 at 6pm CET (in German - check German page for details)

  • Sunday March 16th 2025 at 6pm CET (in German - check German page for details)

Usually a topic from the long-term coaching group is being looked at; your first time participation as a spectator/resonance body is free (different for offline events). For regular attendance I offer different price packages. If you would like to bring in your own topic, you can either arrange your own appointment or be drawn from a lottery if the appointment has not been reserved for an issue from the long-term coaching group.

Please send your registration informally by email in order to receive the access data for the ZOOM session in good time. You send me your appreciation contribution electronically via PayPal or bank transfer (details see footer, please email your receipt) no later than the day of the constellation. If no issue is raised from the long-term coaching group in the respective session, you have the spontaneous option of having your own self-encounter for the reduced price of 100€ - so please always bring your own intention/question/topic with you.

If you would like to guarantee your own self-encounter, please arrange a fixed appointment with me. The cost for such work is €200 including a preliminary discussion (€150 for repeated work without a preliminary discussion).

If you have general questions, feel free to send me an email, contact me on Telegram or just give me a call. For specific questions about your own work, trauma theory or a specific concern, please book a personal consultation with me.

impressions & reviews

Information about inner constellation work / self-encounter for trauma healing

In this form of energy work based on IoPT according to Franz Ruppert, your personal ICH topic sentence is set up, which you formulate as a client at the beginning of the work in order to resolve your symbiotic trauma entanglements. The basis is family constellations according to Bert Hellinger, although there are some fundamental differences: among other things, you interact with your own I and your other inner parts throughout the work in order to distinguish adopted foreign parts from your own younger parts and to let them go or reintegrate them. I offer the ICH work and family constellations in individual or group work online via ZOOM or offline by arrangement or in retreats/workshops. You can find some client feedback on my work here and on the references & voices page.

In your 1:1 consultation, we personally discuss the overall trauma context and the relationship to you, your topic and your story before and/or after a work. This healing work goes very deep, so the right pace for your individual healing path is extremely important.


In Inner Constellation Healing (ICH), you either engage in individual work with your parts or with human resonance bodies who represent your inner parts from your concern in group work, in exchange and contact in order to access your blocked emotions and suppressed needs and thus transform your topic. Your own trauma feelings are always brought into contact, so you should be mentally stable and not in an acute crisis. If your topic is already very present and emotions are there, that is beneficial.

Otherwise, no other prior knowledge, experience with this or other energy/constellation work or other therapeutic basics are required. You also do not have to tell me any details about your trauma, as everything is stored in your cells and subconscious and can be accessed. However, it is helpful if you have already studied trauma theory (including polyvagal theory) in videos, books or lectures on the subject and perhaps even know about symbiotic entanglements. For the family constellation, all details about your family relationships are worth knowing. You participate on your own responsibility and your personal commitment is a key factor in determining the success of the work for you.

roles and spaces

constellation as a spectator

As a spectator at a resonance work, you can participate for free to experience the topic and the work. You can be invited to take on a resonance role in which you can approach your own trauma and your family entanglements. You can accept or reject this.

Register now informally by email!

ICH work as topic giver

As the person giving the request, you state the topic of your I work and form your request sentence with 5-7 words, of which you set up a maximum of 3 terms/parts including I. You choose people from the audience who give resonance, with whom you interact through questions, gestures and emotions. The aim is to feel your suppressed emotions again in order to transform split-off parts.

Energy compensation: €200 including preliminary discussion (transfer here) / €150 without consultation for repeated work (PayPal payment) or with guaranteed appointment as individual work

generic group work

In the generic group work, we set up collective topics around identity, (couple) relationships, money or profession(s), which then resonate in the group in order to identify and let go of the trauma entanglements behind them. We can thereby learn to better understand the collective trauma and recognize our own part in it in order to open it up for transformation. I recommend that you follow this up with your personal ICH topic work.

Energy compensation: by arrangement (appointments by arrangement/announcement)

ICH retreats & workshops

There are always theme retreats and workshops in which I-work is also offered. Please keep an eye out in my calendar and on Telegram to see when I am offering something in your area. Or talk to me about a tailor-made custom workshop for your women's/yoga group, your club or men's evening.

Energy compensation: by arrangement (daily rate €1,000 / €100/hour or per participant plus travel costs)

ICH flatrate

If you would like to work regularly on yourself and your topics in the group, I am now even offering you a flat rate. This means you take part in every ICH work / self-encounter, whereby you are guaranteed one work of your own per month. In addition, you are part of a closed Telegram group in which you can network with other participants. You take part in all vision work as well as the exclusive guest mentor sessions of the long-term coaching group.

If you book quarterly, one ICH consultation per month (30 minutes as a preliminary or follow-up discussion) is included, and if you pay in advance every six months, you also get an exclusive 1:1 coaching session per quarter (60 minutes).


Energy compensation: 349€/month (transfer now), 995€/quarter (transfer now) or 1,888€/half year (transfer now) or pay via PayPal

constellation as a resonance body

In a resonance role, you actively resonate with the issue/topic of the constellation when invited. You not only help the person who raised the issue to solve their issue, but you also encounter your own feelings of trauma and family entanglements. This is ideal for getting closer to your own work.

Register now informally by email!

ICH individual work & family constellations in 1:1

This healing work is also possible in a 1:1 setting, where you enter into each individual resonance role and feel through your parts/family members. If necessary, I resonate with a part/member to conduct dialogues or resolve conflicts. This means the work takes longer and is more demanding, as you have to abstract more yourself. In our experience, this takes around 2.5 hours. We usually have a short preliminary discussion.

Energy compensation: from 150€ (down payment by bank transfer) for 1.5 hours + 25€/15min (or pay via PayPal)

systemic family constellation

In the systemic family constellation (difference to ICH work) you look at your family system to identify energetic entanglements (family secrets). You yourself are represented by a resonance giver. It is the ideal preparation for ICH work to identify family traumas (infidelity, deceased / unknown fathers / siblings / twins, abortions / departures, jealousy / envy / resentment, inheritance disputes and much more).

Energy compensation: 200€ incl. preliminary discussion (transfer here / pay via PayPal) / can be booked as individual work with guaranteed appointment

ICH/family consultation (30mins each)

Before you start your ICH work or family constellation, you should get personal advice in a 1:1 conversation. The same applies after you have participated as a resonance body or have done your own work, so that you can put everything into the overall context and reflect your emotions accordingly. I also recommend that you create an individual healing plan with me in order to reach your goal with enough energy at the right pace.

30 minutes by voicemail or phone call, credited towards constellation booking.

Energy compensation: 49€/30min (transfer here/pay via PayPal)

Training & Supervision

Would you like to learn the method yourself and do training or supervision with me? Or are you already working energetically, around trauma or another constellation method and would now like to get to know and apply the ICH work in a very specific way?

Then this offer is for you! There is currently no structured training, but you can already learn the method practically in its application and use and have me supervise you. If you are interested, then write to me and we will find a suitable setting for you.


Energy balancing: as an individual session or package on request, depending on your needs

Please take care of the following:

- please participate from your PC/Mac if possible, NOT from your cell phone/smartphone, so that you can see all the resonance providers in large format in the gallery view, and ensure a stable internet connection
- check your ideal ZOOM settings beforehand (gallery view, hide your own view if necessary, hide participants without video)
- have enough water to drink and tissues ready so that the energies can flow
- we want to start on time, please be online at least 5 minutes beforehand
- the room will be closed for the safety of your nervous system at the start of the constellation work, your physical space should also be undisturbed and safe (public places are unsuitable)
- your cell phone should remain switched off during the entire constellation (airplane mode/silent)
- please switch off all messenger notification sounds on the computer ("do not disturb")
- please plan enough buffer time after work before you return to your everyday life (it is best not to plan anything else that day)
- you should definitely listen to your emerging impulses and follow your emotions that are useful for resolving the issue
- if necessary, I will take a screenshot of our work for my website, where you will only be shown pixelated and not recognizable - but if you don't want that at all, please let me know in advance


If you would like to talk to others about it after the work, please remember to do so anonymously without mentioning the names of other participants and with consideration for the vulnerability of your nervous system - this is a protected space in which your emotional wounds are shared with others and their wounds with you, which should be treated with appropriate sensitivity.

This offer is free for all viewers and resonance bodies for their first time. Regular attendance requires regular commitment to keep the group and your inner transformation running, so does your financial commitment. A personal ICH work and family constellation in the group costs 200€ (duration approx. 2 hours), it includes a short preliminary discussion of the work. Repeated or spontaneous work without discussion/advice costs 150€. I am currently offering private 1:1 ICH work from 150€ (down payment for 1.5 hours) including a short consultation plus 25€/15min. Experience has shown that they last around 2.5 hours, as you will feel through each part yourself. If there are not enough spectators in the group for an ICH work/family constellation who are available for resonance roles, I reserve the right to postpone/cancel the appointment or, by arrangement, bill as individual work.

If you would like individual advice/discussions from me on the constellation in relation to your own trauma history, you can book it for 49€. The voicemail/phone call includes 30 minutes of my time, where you will receive personal information about your own entanglements with the topic and the parts of the constellation, and I will give you possible solutions for your own/further ICH work. This also applies to 1:1 contact such as honest communication (EM) to resolve any projections, etc. that arise in the context of work.

This is an offer of life support/advice and does not constitute psychotherapy in the sense of German law. By participating, you confirm that you are taking part on your own responsibility. You are aware that I am neither a doctor, psychotherapist nor Heilpraktiker and that I make no promise of healing. However, since I am trained in crisis intervention, I can support you if you need my help during or after work. In return, I ask you for an additional financial appreciation by arrangement.


forms of delivery

group call

Online via ZOOM

You can participate online from anywhere in the world using your PC, Mac, tablet or smartphone via ZOOM. Since these are protected live formats in a secure environment, recordings are usually not made.


#justfuckindoit LLC

7901 4th St N STE 300

St Petersburg, Florida USA 33702


CEO: Manuel Schoenthaler ​​

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Payment via PayPal, Stripe (all payment methods and credit cards accepted)

or bank transfer to

justfuckindoit LLC

IBAN: BE85967257044306


Bank: TransferWise Europe S.A.

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