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Follow your own dreams

Writer: Manuel SchönthalerManuel Schönthaler
Why it is easier to follow other people's dreams than to realize your own
Dream Until It's Your Reality

Dreams fascinate us - they promise freedom, fulfillment and the feeling of being completely at one with ourselves. But why do many of us prefer to follow the goals and expectations of others rather than realizing our own dreams? The path to a self-determined life is often difficult and full of stumbling blocks. In this article, I will explore with you the reasons why it is easier to orient yourself towards the dreams of others than to find the courage to pursue your own visions. Follow your own dreams!

1. The fear of your own greatness

In each of us lies a certain idea of ​​what we could achieve if we exploit our full potential. But this idea can also be frightening. The path to our own dreams often means leaving our usual comfort zone and believing in our own strength and greatness. This greatness confronts us with the possibility that we are more powerful, more creative and more capable than we previously thought.

The thought of our own greatness poses the question: "Am I really ready to take responsibility for a life that is entirely the result of my own decisions?" By following the dreams of others, we remain in a protected space and do not have to face this existential challenge. It is more comfortable to work towards goals that are set from outside because we avoid the risk of being disappointed in ourselves if we do not live up to our own expectations.

2. Vulnerability: Dreams are intimate and personal

Our own dreams are an expression of our innermost being, they show what is really important to us and what we desire from the bottom of our hearts. Making these dreams public and working on their realization means showing ourselves to be vulnerable. If we fail, we could find ourselves exposed to criticism and judgment from others. This vulnerability can be avoided if we support the dreams of others or follow the paths presented to us from outside. In such cases, we are not fully responsible and have less to fear for the reaction to our failure.

It takes courage to venture out into the world with your own dreams and to accept the possible disappointments that come with this process. The fear of criticism or even rejection can prevent us from fully committing to our visions. However, if we are not prepared to allow vulnerability, we often block the opportunity to develop the full potential of our dreams.

3. Commitment: The willingness to commit to the long term

The dream of your own life is a long-term investment. It requires dedication, perseverance and the willingness to stick with it, even when obstacles arise. The "commitment" to our own dreams can often overwhelm us because it means constantly working towards a goal that only we see and believe in at first.

This commitment requires us to make daily decisions that bring us closer to our dream step by step. It is easier to commit to short-term goals and the expectations of others because this means we are less likely to be held responsible for the long term. Pursuing other people's dreams can lead to a lifestyle characterized by short-lived successes and manageable obligations. Our own dreams, on the other hand, require continuous effort and discipline. This is a challenge that many shy away from.

4. Giving yourself permission: The courage to be self-determined

One of the most important steps on the way to realizing our dreams is the decision to give ourselves permission to live the life we ​​want. But many people find this step difficult because they have learned to orient themselves according to external expectations and hand over the definition of the "right" path to society or family.

By giving ourselves permission to pursue our dreams, we break out of the prescribed structures and begin to lead a self-reliant life. This self-determination requires us to be brave and take responsibility - for the ups and downs of our lives. It means that we recognize ourselves as the most important voice and value our own worth so highly that we trust ourselves to be the creator of our lives.

5. Handing over power to the outside: The apparent protection of external control

Many of us tend to delegate decisions and hand over responsibility to the outside world - be it to our partner, family, employer or societal norms. We do not allow ourselves to take power over our lives and this makes us feel safer. As long as we follow the dreams of others, we are not fully responsible for success or failure.

Giving power to the outside world means losing some control, but it offers the apparent protection that we are not alone in being put to the test. In this way, we avoid having to deal with our fears and insecurities. But the security we gain from this comes at a high price: we live a life that may never really fulfill us because it does not correspond to our own ideas.

Conclusion: The courage to achieve self-realization

Following your own dreams and turning them into reality is a courageous step that requires overcoming and inner strength. It is easier to follow the expectations of others because it seems less risky and your own vulnerability is protected to a certain extent. But the price is high: by not giving ourselves the space to realize our visions, we give away the potential for a life full of meaning, joy and self-realization.

To make our dreams come true, we must have the courage to give ourselves permission and take responsibility for our decisions. It is a step that opens the way to true freedom and gives us the opportunity to shine in our full greatness.

Sometimes it is easier to walk this path together with others - because we are never alone anyway, because there are thousands of other people who also strive for self-realization and do not dare to do it alone. In the long-term coaching group you will find such an environment for mutual growth and the realization of your own dreams. However, you still have to walk the actual path there yourself.



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