A constellation on money, security and fear of loss
How does security really feel and how do money and fear of loss influence this feeling of security? With this question in focus, we delved deep into the dynamics that connect these topics in a constellation work. It was about understanding the complex web of inner voices, fears and needs and developing new perspectives. To really understand the meaning of security in me.
The setting of the constellation
The focus of the constellation work was on the roles of security, money and fear of loss, which were selected and taken on by the participants. Each role was explored with specific characteristics, wishes and challenges while the participants resonated with these aspects. The aim was to illuminate the dynamics between these inner parts and to find ways to strengthen inner security.
Money as a flow of energy
One thing quickly became clear in the constellation: money is neutral, a flow of energy that does not want to be held but directed. The role of “money” brought with it a very essential and important message: “I am there for everyone who opens up to me. My wish is to be used sensibly and joyfully.”
Money was compared to a natural ecosystem: if it stays in a cycle and is used consciously, growth occurs. However, if it is hoarded or wasted without meaning, the flow stagnates and shortages arise. This showed how much the way we deal with money influences our inner security - both on an emotional and practical level.
The role of security
Security turned out to be a central need that is strongly oriented towards trust and conscious structures. But security also had doubts: “How can I survive when loss is threatened? How can I feel stable when dealing with money is uncertain?”
In the constellation, the security part was invited to reflect on stability, which does not depend on external circumstances, but grows from inner trust. Here we realized that security is often a feeling that is carried from the inside out - and depends less on external factors than we think.
Fear of loss as a hindering companion
The fear of loss, embodied by another participant, brought an exciting perspective: "I'm always there to warn of risks, but sometimes I overwhelm everything else." Fear of loss was shown to be an energy that protects us, but can also block us if it undermines trust.
A central image of the constellation was the "leaky rain barrel": Fear of loss often creates the feeling that everything you build up is lost through these holes. This image helped participants to understand that dealing with fear of loss requires conscious measures - such as creating structures that offer security or recognizing when the fear is actually unfounded.
Trust as the key
An important turning point in the constellation was the realization that trust is the connecting element between money, security and fear of loss. Trust - in oneself, in life and in the ability to deal with challenges - was recognized as the basis for inner security.
Here, the focus was also on conscious dosing: money and security should be in balance, rather than being dominated by fear of loss or the need for control. This trust was not only a personal process, but also an energetic one that promotes inner lightness and growth.
Finding inner security
The constellation concluded with an invitation: inner security is not an external fact, but an inner attitude. It arises when we consciously listen to our needs, create structures that support us, and trust ourselves in difficult moments.
The participants' reflections showed how important it is to meet ourselves and see the relationship to money and security as part of personal growth. Because only those who are secure in themselves can meet the challenges of life with confidence and also receive money in their life or deal with it healthily.
Working with the topics of money, security and fear of loss has impressively shown that true security begins within. The resonances between the roles helped to gain new perspectives on the interaction of these parts and to initiate steps towards a more conscious life.
With trust, conscious structures and an open view of money as a flow of energy, we can transform the “leaky rain barrel” into a stable foundation for inner and outer growth.