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What matters more: you or your certificate?!

Writer: Manuel SchönthalerManuel Schönthaler
Why we hide behind certificates – and how you can really unlock your potential
certificate presentation Paracelsus
Certificate presentation for certified psychological counselor at the Paracelsus Heilpraktikerschule in October 2020

In our narcissistic society, people are increasingly relying on qualifications, certificates and methods rather than individuality and personality. This is why the pressure on many to constantly continue their education and collect more and more certificates is increasing. A new course, additional training, another seminar after another: many have a veritable collection of certificates and methods that they can use - and yet they often do not really feel confident in what they are doing. Instead, they tend to hide, for fear of not being good enough or not yet "ready". But what is actually behind this behavior? And how can we start to show authentically and confidently what we are really made of? What counts more: you or your certificate?!

The phenomenon of "continuous further education"

For many people, it has almost become a habit: as soon as we deal with a topic, we want to learn as much as possible about it. One certificate after the other piles up, and yet there remains this nagging feeling that something is still missing. Why do we do this? One reason is the pursuit of perfection. Many people have deep-rooted doubts about their own abilities and believe that they are not yet "good enough". Instead of recognizing their own potential, they try to create a "secure base" through qualifications in order to meet the expectations of others.

Fear of one's own greatness

This reluctance often has deeper causes: fear of one's own greatness. It sounds paradoxical, but many people shy away from really shining and fully developing their talents. Because this would mean taking responsibility for one's own path and becoming more visible - and that can be frightening. Being successful and authentic requires courage and self-confidence. However, we often feel smaller and less talented than we actually are and seek security in another certificate or another method that we learn instead of risking going out "without protection" and finally showing ourselves authentically, with who we are and what we can do.

The feeling of being "not yet good enough"

The feeling of never being good enough accompanies many people throughout their lives. It can manifest itself in constantly comparing yourself to others or believing that your own abilities are nothing special. This feeling is often reinforced by societal expectations or by your own upbringing. Sometimes just a critical comment or comparison with others is enough to make you believe that you are not enough. This leads many to prefer to stay in the "background" and believe that they have to protect themselves even more before showing off their talents.

Being authentic means showing yourself - and that is exactly what the world needs

In truth, it is not about being perfect or getting the next certificate. The world needs authentic people who dare to share their talents and ideas. Because nothing inspires more than people who are genuine and trust themselves. Self-confidence does not come from methods, but from the willingness to show yourself - even if it is uncomfortable or challenging. Real strength comes from accepting your own "imperfection" and trusting your own abilities as they are.

Why the path to yourself is worth it

You may now be asking yourself: "How can I start to trust my own strengths more?" The answer to this often begins with a change of perspective. Instead of looking outwards and looking for further confirmations that tell you that you are "good enough", it is worth looking inwards. What strengths do you already have? What inspires you, what gives you joy? These questions can help you to strengthen your self-confidence and discover what really makes you who you are.

The role of coaching on this path

Coaching can be supportive here. A coach can help you to identify blockages that prevent you from developing your full potential. We often unconsciously carry negative beliefs or behavioral patterns with us that prevent us from being authentic. A coach helps you to break these patterns, discover your inner strength and understand yourself better. Coaching also means that you are not alone on this path. It is a support that encourages you to show yourself - just as you are.

Conclusion: dare to be yourself

Yes, it takes courage to be authentic and to show yourself, but the reward is worth it. The world needs people who share their talents with joy and without a mask. You are not here to be perfect or to hide behind methods and certificates. You are here to grow, to inspire and to let your own unique light shine. Invest in yourself, take the step outside and realize that you are enough - just as you are.



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